It seems as though every social platform nowadays has copied Snapchat's idea of stories. And no platform is off limits - including YouTube. The website that has always had user uploaded videos of a wide range of topics and length has had a history of a uniform set up. However, it was recently announced that Youtube is updating the format of the site to include a more social network focused use. This includes stories, which will be called 'Reels', as well as a community tab which will host all users with over 10,000 followers as a sort of chat room that enables channel owners to more easily interact with and update fans using text, photos, polls and other non-video posts.
However, YouTube's Reels will slightly differ from those of Snapchat and Instagram. The Reels will not expire after 24, if fact they won't expire at all. Creators are also allowed to host more than one per channel. The Reels will, however, be limited to 30 seconds per video. Editing tools such as stickers, text, and filters will be features on the platform's stories.
The date of the beta release has not been announced nor has the length of testing been announced.
However, YouTube's Reels will slightly differ from those of Snapchat and Instagram. The Reels will not expire after 24, if fact they won't expire at all. Creators are also allowed to host more than one per channel. The Reels will, however, be limited to 30 seconds per video. Editing tools such as stickers, text, and filters will be features on the platform's stories.
The date of the beta release has not been announced nor has the length of testing been announced.
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